Thursday, March 06, 2008

Stalker Songs

Am I the only one that has ever felt like some songs out there are just ... creepy? Well, I don't consider them creepy (as I'm a little bit psycho, but you'll figure that out if you read enough of my posts) but, by strictly sociological standards, these songs are disturbing in the least. I don't have an exhaustive list (who could, given all the indie bands out there started by real psychos?) but here's three or four of the ones that spring immediately to mind:

Every Breath You Take (Police)
Two Steps Behind (Def Leppard)
Surfer Girl (Beach Boys)

Just a little background information, the last one (Surfer Girl) is the song that got me to get off my duff (strictly figuratively) and start this post. I've always wanted to find a list with some of the "best" stalker songs out there. Unfortunately, the people that make the big CD collections would probably have a tough time marketing "The Greatest Stalker Songs of All Time - (Guaranteed to scare the crap out of anyone you love)". Actually, when I see it phrased like that, it seems like a good idea... No? Just me? Alright... well, you get the point. If you can think of any others, let me know...


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